Site work
Subcontractor is responsible for providing but not limited to the following:
- All equipment necessary for clearing and demolition of existing utilities and materials
- All equipment necessary for removing and hauling unsuitable soil as well as hauling, distributing and grading new soil.
- All equipment necessary for paving parking lots and asphalt walkways within the boundaries of the site.
- Removal of existing curbs, gutters, light poles and road signs per plans and specs
- Haul, distribute, grade, and compact new soil per plans and specs
- Install all curbing, granite stone base and crushed stone base per plans and specs
- Install asphalt and concrete pavement in parking lot and sidewalks per plans and specs
- Install concrete walkways and handicap detectable areas
- Install concrete dumpster pad
- Install steel bollards filled with concrete per plans and specs
- Install all striping and signage per plans and specs
- Furnish and install silt fence, inlet protection, construction entrance and rip rap necessary for soil erosion and sedimentation control Per the Plans
- Furnish and install new storm drainage system per plans and specs
- Furnish and install new sanitary sewer system per plans and specs
- Furnish and install new water distribution system per plans and specs
- Digging and forming of retention pond per plans and specs
- Tie-in from building to new sanitary sewer and water systems provided by others
- Maintaining construction entrance
- Furnish and install all conduit sleeves, (including irrigation)
- Provide grass stabilization in/and around ponds